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Monday, September 28, 2009

What is Your Inspiration?

Inspirations, words, colors, shapes, music, art, nature, architecture, fashion, weather, furniture, fabrics, textures, the list can go on. What inspires one person, may not for another, an obvious concept. So today I decided to skim through a local magazine in search of an inspiration of my own. As I was perusing the fine print in a section where the listings for upcoming events such as art shows and benefits, and that’s where I found it. Between the columns named “Miscellany,” and “Opera,” you find “Museums.” I find it interesting that as time has gone by, styles have evolved from one another, and have sometimes evolved into something new and different from the previous era- all because someone had a new idea, a new inspiration. I think it is important to get back in touch with our history, and the Chicago-land area has plenty to offer. Who knows what might happen when you visit, you may learn something new, find an object to inspire your home, or even just have a good time with the family. Finding what’s near you is easy, just look through local magazines, newspapers, or maybe the easiest way is online.

I want to know what inspires you, or what local landmarks or historical sites are near you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


A fellow member of the Best Practices Network (BPN), Tim Schelfe needs your support on the online reality show, Nation's Next Top Model Home. He and six others are competeing for the title and top prize. You can either vote onsite or online, until September 26th so click on the link below and show support too! You can only vote once per email, so tell everyone you know.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eco-Friendly Flooring for Your Home

To pick the right type of flooring, best for you, there are a lot of factors. One being where you are in life, whether you have children or not and if you do, are they still at home? Other factors to consider are the ease of maintenance, durability, comfort, and how healthy it is for you and your environment.

So maybe having eco-friendly flooring isn’t one of your top priorities- it should be. Considering the many options (materials, colors, and styles, just to name a few) for green flooring, it really is a no-brainer. While not all green flooring is cost effective up front, it does pay for itself in the long run.

Bamboo and cork are two popular flooring types. Both are offered in different colors, this can be done with a stain and can be used in any room of your home. In kitchens and bathrooms, a protective coat that, like the stains, is earth-friendly, can be applied.

If bamboo and cork aren’t for you, it’s ok; there are other hard surfaces to choose from. Linoleum, rubber, and tile can all be made with recycled materials. Speaking of recycled materials, one great way to recycle flooring is by using reclaimed wood. You get natural hardwood floors, while giving a new home to wood.

While using hard surfaces for flooring looks great, (and allows the ability to easily change any room décor by adding or changing natural rugs), some people just prefer carpet. Carpet is a soft, cushioning, material that is safe for children and can be made using either natural or recycled fibers. Using eco-friendly carpet reduces irritants for sensitive people, making it healthier to be around. Like other flooring options, there are many styles, colors, and designs to choose from, and can also be made custom.

When you’re ready to update any room with new flooring, the deciding factors that come first, durability, maintenance, and style are very important; but keep in mind what other options you have, like using products that are safe for you, your family, future generations, and the environment.

Keep checking back for more information on recycling fabrics!

Monday, September 14, 2009

For Our Pets

One of the best feelings anyone can get is when they walk through their door, and are greeted by the warm wagging of a tail, the purr of excitement, and of course any form of a smile your pet is capable of. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) states that since 1994, ownership of pets has grown steadily. (“Industry Statistics & Trends.”) So it shouldn’t be surprising that even though the economy has been bad for most job markets, and even after the horrible events of September 11, 2001, the pet market has continued to grow.

There are so many benefits of owning a pet of any kind, from lowering chances of heart disease, blood pressure, to easing depression and minimizing doctor visits. (“Industry Statistics & Trends.”) Our pets do so much for us; I thought I would think up a few ways to thank them.

  • Beds built the perfect size for your pet and customized to fit in with your home décor offers a place of comfort, not an eyesore. Also, ergonomic beds relieve any joint pains or pressures.
  • Keep shallow baskets in easy-to-reach places for your pets’ favorite toys, you can keep your home clean with less clutter, while your pet can still play.
  • Having custom play towers for cats, and play areas for dogs, it will keep them busy and give them a space just for them.
  • Think of unique applications for pets, like floating shelves and framed eco-friendly materials made for cats to scratch on. This is a great way to create more floor space by replacing a scratching post for wall units.

    If you have special ways or ideas to thank your pet, let us know we would love to hear!

    “Industry Statistics & Trends.” americanpetproducts.org. American Pet Products Association. 14 Sep. 2009.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tips for Getting Ready for Winter

This summer has been cooler than most others, and fall might be the same way, so what about winter? Before we start seeing snowy days, double-check that list to make sure ever thing is done. There are some elements to consider before winter, in order to keep warm indoors. Many of these are also ways to live sustainable, healthier lifestyle.

  • Having energy efficient windows are the best way to make sure warm air doesn’t escape
  • Use window treatments that are designed to help save energy; by keeping warm air in during the colder seasons and during the warm seasons, they keep warm air out.
  • Clients of ours use a waterless tank, which helps with conserving water; it only heats up as much as needed when in use.
  • Clients with allergies take special precautions, by not having carpet within their homes also, making sure to use furnaces with clean air filters, which are much better than freestanding units on people with allergies.
  • Make sure there aren’t any air leaks around exterior doors.

If you have ideas on ways to stay healthy while living indoors this winter let us know!

Monday, September 7, 2009

At Home Retreats

Let’s be honest, times are tough. As the economy is slowly moving out of a recession, vacations are limited. If the recession hasn’t hit you, maybe it’s your busy schedule keeping you from a vacation. Just because you may not be able to leave your home, doesn’t mean you can’t get away. Designating a special area to retreat to can give you the peace of mind nearly any vacation can.

Many of our clients have been making their bathroom their own home spa. Choosing relaxing colors, soft lighting, body sprays in the shower, and jets in the tub all are ways that can affects our body in soothing ways. Reading nooks are also popular getaways for clients. It’s a perfect way to spend a little extra time by yourself or with family, getting lost within the pages of a great book or having a family adventure. The backyard season is closing and we’re all starting to spend more time indoors. Why not lose yourself within a movie with a home theatre. Family time can also be spent watching your favorite television shows.

After vacations, it is all too easy to forget that you even left. Reaching the spot where you can rejuvenate, feel fresh, and find serenity within your home is possible; you just need to find them.

What is your favorite way to relax within your home? Tell us, we want to know!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Organizing Tips for Going Back to School

Mornings can sometimes be hectic, between getting yourself ready and making sure the kids make it to school on time, it seems there are a thousand things to do. Don’t forget that after school can be just as chaotic, as well as the night before. When it comes to tackling clutter, start with the source. Here are tips on ways to stay organized.

Schedule, rotate, and designate. When there is sharing involved with the bathroom, find a schedule that works for your family, then keep it! While one child is having breakfast, the other should be using the bathroom, then rotate. These are ways to save time. Ways to stay organized can be just as simple; outlets put under the counters, for items like electric toothbrushes, hair dryers, etc. keep counters clean. Another way to keep counters clean is by putting opaque storage units on walls, for older children and teens, which can be easily accessed or able to be taken from the wall, all while hiding the contents. We have a solution for smaller children too, keep a basket for each child to put his or her belongings in- make it fun, have them label it their own way. By bathing at night, small children clam down easier for bedtime and older kids and teens free up time in the morning.

Being used to summertime cookouts, after school activities may make family dinners infrequent. Saving one night a week to have dinner with the family is a way to keep in touch. On the other nights, take advantage of the one-on-one time with your kids. Also by using a crock-pot or warming drawer you can save time during the week by preparing meals ahead. Scheduled meals also free time for parents. For little children occasionally make dinner fun, have a picnic-in. Prepare the table with a picnic style tablecloth and serve food from a basket.

Bedrooms are great spaces to teach organization skills. By laying clothes out the night before, you save time in the morning. Alarm clocks are great tools to teach independence from having parents waking them up. By putting in a black out shade, going to bed is a lot easier when bed times still have daylight.

Family rooms are great areas to spend quality time. When bedtime gets nearer, lowering shades about an hour before helps calm and relax children. Another great thing to do is to set up a special corner, whether it’s a chair or loveseat, and make it just for reading with the family, privately, or for story time before bed.
Other great ideas are to keep a calendar by the door used the most. Children and teens can get in the habit of looking for their name and activity to do. This teaches children responsibility of scheduling and planning, as well as lets parents know what their children are doing, when and where. Keep a file system, organizing it by each child and the activities, from school to sports to clubs, he or she are in. Each night have bags packed and ready by the door, this eliminates rushing around in the morning. Last but not least, keep your car packed with items like folding chairs, blankets and a cooler with drinks and snacks, so you’re always ready to go when for the next game!
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